Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Papa's Parrot

As kids get older, every teen's mom and dad will look back on the times when thier kids took their first steps, was finally potty trained, and had their hilarious moments. Memories like those will never go away. When you're a child, you don't care about what anyone else thinks of what you do or say. It's hard to really know who your true friend is because you think it's your mom and dad. The things that little kids adore now will most likely make fun of when they grow older. "Papa's Parrot" by Cynthia Rylant is a life-changing story because it will make you remember the memories you had in the past, and mention that you should never forget to remember how important your parents are.

When you start to have the same interests with your dad, mom, or even your friends, your relationship between you and them will grow stronger. My mom and I have a very close relationship and we do everything together mostly because we have the same interests. Since I started growing into my teen years, I've been wanting to be with my friends more rather than with my family. When Harry in "Papa's Parrot" grew up, he started doing the same thing. All he wanted to do was be with his friends and not spend time with his father. The next moment he was sitting in the hospital beside his father and realized that he should have never stopped hanging out with his father and ditching him for his friends.

Not everyone realizes that it's important to spend time with your mom and dad until they die. Hanging out with your friends can be so much fun, and it sometimes can be better than spending time with family. However, if you're hanging out too much with your friends, it's nice to get away and talk with your mom and dad or spend time with them. Although I spend most of my time with friends, I don't know how my life would be like without my parents. They give me everything I need to make me happy and are so grateful to me.

Beneath everything the author wrote, this story will teach and tell you that it's important to balance your time with your family and friends becuase problems such as losing a family member, having no friends, and getting bullied because you hang out with your family too much can occur. Weather your close with your family or not, it's still extremely important to not forget to spend time with them no matter what.

Water Wings are the Way to Go

Have you ever been in the position of being bullied and have never been able to recover? It's hard to wake up every morning knowing that it's just going to be like yesterday: another miserable day caused by bullies. Not only can bullies be your enemies, but they can also be your friends. While reading "Deep Water" by William O. Douglas, readers will experience the emotions felt by the main character and even realize that bullies have no right to act the way they do.

Not all bullies intend to physically hurt of even kill someone, though many purposely hurt someone's feelings and make them feel bad about themselves. In every school and every town there is harassment caused by bullies. It's hard to think of it this way but the people who bully you can also be your friends. A few years ago, I was bullied buy a coulple of my friends. They would alwasy call me stupid becuas I couldn't think as fast as them. I'd get called names and was treated as if I didn't mean anything to them. My confidence level was going down but luckily I found new friends that were kind, respectful, They saved me from the bad that could have happened if I would have continued to get bullied. Usually if you get treated this way, you're likely to not say anything for a period of time because you're too afraid to stand up for yourself. Although it might be hard, it's extremely important to do it at one point because it's a boost of your self confidence.

Wherever you are and whatever school you go to, there's likely to be bullying going on. In an online story about a teenager who was getting bullied bullied illistrated by Sarah Cleaves, a girl would get text messages saying that she is nothing and that she is a failure. This gilr had no idea who was texting her and didn't have the courage to stand up for herself.

Most people get bullied because of the way they look, act, dress, where they live or what they live through. Every kind of bullying can tear someone down and that's why it's important for the victim to stand up for theirselves becuase it's not right for bullies to act the way they do.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Best Parent Award

Being a good parent doesn’t require instructions or a manual, it comes naturally. I live in small deprived village with my wife and son, making no more than one dollar an hour. Living in a small house, with barely any room to walk, I had to face the challenges of raising a kid, surviving off of little food, and making no more than two dollars an hour. Winning “Best Parent Award” is one of the greatest accomplishments in my life. I’ve been a parent to my son for 12 years, and I gave him the best I could afford. Every year we deal with struggles, money being the greatest one. My wife and I have always wanted more kids but we decided that it was going to be too much looking at how much we sacrifice now for just one. Pearls are how people become wealthy in our village, next to what they work for.

In my village, and most likely any other village, doctors are the most wealthy. There are accidents happening day to day, needing a doctor to cure the concern. Next to doctors are the teachers and the priests. I have been a teacher for 10 years, coming to school every morning, teaching kids and educating them. All the children who I teach and who I have taught consider me as a second father after theirs. Not only do I help them with school, but I also will help them with issues not relating to school. They will come to me for advice or even if a family member died and they need to express their feelings, which those actions shows they trust me as not only a teacher but a friend as well.

Aside from my job as a teacher, finding pearls is another part time job I work for. I once found a pearl that was like no other. I turned it in for money and was paid over two thousand dollars. Besides helping my family, I saved money for my son when he goes to college so that he can make a good living for his family someday. Sometimes he will doubt that he will be successful in the future. My son is currently in 6th grade and is about to go to middle school. The middle school closest to our town is Butler Middle School, one of the highest GPA ranks in our area. Every day he will come home from school, and work on more school work. He treats Butler as if it was Harvard University. As a teacher and father, I help him to succeed his goal of going there.

After his experience at Butler Middle School, he was ready for the challenge of High School in a nearby village. He would come home every day and have tons of homework for each of his classes, which he actually loved. By the second week he had made so many friends that he would see every weekend always doing different activities. He finished High School after two years because he was in all college classes, so there was no point to continue High School. Getting accepted to the second highest college in the U.S was an amazing moment for both him and me as well.

Whether it's dealing with kids at school, or even my own son, the privilege of accepting this award is an honor. Going through what I have gone through with my son and my teachings makes you view life differently, seeing the greater aspects of it. When my son was born, I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to give him enough and that I would fail at raising a child, but looking at where my son got to now, and how successful he is shows me that I succeeded in being a great parent.