Tuesday, June 5, 2012


This is in the perspective of a popular beautiful high school girl.

Being beautiful is harder than everyone thinks. Making sure you look perfect, wearing cute outfits instead of sweats, and having your face look flawless. People think all that matters is what you look like on the outside, but it's not. Things like what you wear or having no flaws shouldn’t matter. What should matter is what's on the inside of a person. Instead of being beautiful on the outside, make sure you're more beautiful on the inside.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Black Box

Each meaningful story has symbols. Symbols that help the readers understand the storyline and the mood of which the story is written in. Within the short text "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, the author symbolizes death and tradition through many different ways. The way that caught my attention the most was the black box.

Every year the people of the village would gather in the square for The Lottery. Before they would come, everyone gathered all of the rocks and stones they could possibly hold in their hands. Once everyone was there, they would begin the choosing of the names out of the black box. Right then and there, I wondered; Is it unusual that the box just happens to be black? The color of death, power, fear, evil? At this point of the story, it should be known to readers that the "lottery"  they're talking about is far more different than the one we have today.

Another symbol the black box provided was tradition. This black box that was used for centuries before them was very sacred to them. No matter how bad the condition this box was in, no one would replace it with another. Possibly, the government was afraid of change if the box was switched with a newer one. Or even that the government thought that if getting a new box would mean new traditions.

Wrapping up, the black box had many symbols that lead to the meaning of the book and lead to the end of the story as well. Although there are other symbols taken from the black box, the ones that stood out to me the most is death and tradition.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Last Flower In the Flower Bed

It's been 5 years without my friends and family by my side. One by one each would be snipped right at their foot every year, leaving me the last lonely flower in the flower bed. I can't understand why they are taken away from me! Is it because I bloom later than the others in the spring and my punishment is to be lonely? Could it be that they're being taken to somewhere special and I'm not worthy enough, or maybe because I'm more beautiful than all the others and my owners wanted me to stand out? I don't know what my owners are up to, but I sure hope I'm not going to get snipped at my feet. As I start to think about being lonely with all of the space in the world, I begin to enjoy being alone. There's no complaining from my sister about how beautiful she is and how much more beautiful she is than me, her little sister, and no more loud opera singing from my brother. Don't get me wrong he's extremely talented but from hearing him sing and sing and sing all day long, it starts to pierce your ears. After 5 years of dreading being alone for the rest of my life, I realize that it's not so bad being alone and within another year I'll have a whole new patch of friends.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Authors Note: The following piece is a text analysis off of a quote from the story “Thank You, Ma’am” written by Langston Hughes.
Within the beginning of the heart-touching story “Thank You, Ma’am” by Langston Hughes, a woman is on her way home from the grocery store in the dark night and is harassed  by a young teenager trying to snatch her purse. Fortunately, the boy was considered a stick while comparing sizes between the two. She took him by his ear and dragged him to her home where she then told him this: "Then, Roger, you go to that sink and wash your face," said the woman, whereupon she turned him loose--at last. Roger looked at the door—looked at the woman—looked at the door—and went to the sink. This specific paragraph from the story was one of the most important things said within the entire story because it shows the trust they have for each other.
To begin, after being hassled by a young teenager, most would think the last thing they would do would be to bring the teenager back to your house, but Ms. Luella Bates Jones is too intelligent to let a boy less than half her size get away with the crime of robbery. While in her house, she notices dirt on his face and asks him to wash his face off and lets him lose from her arms. Knowing that he could very well run out the doors and onto the streets again, she trusts her choice on letting this boy make the correct decision of trusting her in return. 
Continuing, the young boy Roger is told a demand to wash his face at the sink. “Roger looked at the door—looked at the woman—looked at the door—and went to the sink.” He didn’t know whether or not he should stay with this woman or run like a predator chasing it’s prey out of the door of Ms. Jones’ house. Roger ended up making the correct decision of staying with Ms. Luella Jones, giving her his trust to her as well.
Lastly, the main importance of this specific paragraph of the story is trust and being able to trust one another. At this part of the story, both Roger and Ms. Luella Bates Jones know they both trust each other which is the message for readers while reading this paragraph.
To conclude, I believe that this scene within the story is the most important scene because it shows that Ms. Jones gives the boy his trust, and he gives his to Ms. Jones in return.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Never Let the Fear of Failure Keep You From Living Your Life

Authors Note: The following piece is a district writing assessment that is analyzing a quote and how it can be used and applied in different circumstances.

“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”. Although Babe Ruth’s inspiring words are in terms of baseball, this quote can also apply to other topics such as school, other sports, or even activities such as singing and dancing. This quote said by Babe Ruth is one of the most inspiring quotes of all because it can be used in many different circumstances.

To start, every professional dancer or singer has faced challenges that got him or her to the professional state they’re currently at, but each one of them has faced a challenge and failed. If they didn’t have the courage and were too afraid to face those challenges, they would have never made it to the professional league.

Second of all, although school might be just the opposite of sports, this quote certainly applies to this circumstance as well.  Some subjects in school aren’t always the easiest for everyone, and if you’re learning a unit that’s very difficult that you don’t understand as hard as you try, don’t be afraid that you’re going to get the worst grade possible on the chapter test because the thought that you will fail will make you only do worse.

Lastly, not only does this quote specifically apply to the sport of baseball, but it can relate to almost any sport. Even though soccer is a team sport, there are times where you have to take risks and try to score to benefit your team to win. Although it’s frustrating when the ball doesn’t always go in the net, but it’s better to at least try than to not try at all.

In conclusion, this quote is inspiring in so many different ways and can be used in many different circumstances as well. “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game” states that it’s important to never let the fear of failure stop you, and if you fail, pick yourself up and try again.

Friday, April 27, 2012

What's the Real Cause of Common Colds?

Authors Note: The following piece is a research essay on the “common cold”. Questions such as what it is, how it is caused, if there are cures, and the difference between a cold and allergies will be answered.

As the common cold is spread throughout the world each day, a small amount of people actually know what it really is, what causes it, or if there are permanent cures. Many get sick and think it’s just a cold, but do they really know what caused it or even it wasn’t just a cold? It’s important to know about common colds because knowing more about the substances causing you to not feel well will only help you liberate the virus faster.

To begin, people are receiving colds year after year; most don’t know what a cold exactly is other than the symptoms. “The common cold is a self-limited sickness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses” (Steven Doerr). Symptoms for most colds are coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, etc.  A person is infectious with their illness starting the day before the sickness acts up, until a few days after they start feeling better” (Korsholm).The most known way of spreading and catching a cold is when the person who is sick touches their area around their eyes and nose because the virus could be on their hands also.

Second of all, “Cold's are caused by numerous different viruses, while allergies are caused by an overactive immune system” (Is it a Common Cold or Allergies?). The most important difference between common cold's and allergies is that colds don’t last longer than 14 days, so if the symptoms are still there after 2 weeks, it may be allergy symptoms.

Furthermore, “Although there are medicines at stores that are used to treat the symptoms for the common cold, they have little to no affect on the cold itself” (Szabo). There have been medicines tested in a Petri dish and many have been appearing as promising, but once tested on humans, unfortunately, the cold remedies start to fizzle off. The result to their experimenting shows that there are no permanent cures to the common cold.

In conclusion, the reasons discussed state why it's important to know everything about the sickness you have whether or not it's a common cold or allergies. Knowing what you have, what's causing your sickness or allergy, and how you can treat it is information that is useful for patients that are dealing with the symptoms of the common cold or allergies.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Evil Destroys Good

Authors Note: This following piece is a prediction on what will happen next in the book “Catching Fire” by Suzanne Collins. This piece also includes figurative language and a creative scene made for my prediction.

Within about 100 pages in the book “Catching Fire” by Suzanne Collins, Katniss and Peeta went on their “victory tour” throughout all 12 Districts for the congratulating of winning the 74th annual Hunger Games. The Capitol is not pleased with Katniss and Peeta; the famous “star-crossed lovers” from District 12, because of the fact that they showed them off by acting as if their love was too powerful to lose one another in the games and both were allowed to win. I predict that President Snow will do something that will harm both Katniss and Peeta’s families to show that he has control over all districts and he’s not afraid to use it.

Here I sit in the tallest tree within the whole forest, a tree that could touch the moon, a tree that can look over the whole world. While I sit on this sturdy branch, I listen if anyone is near, but all I hear is the wind whistling throughout the air; responding that I am completely alone. As I gaze into my thoughts, I find myself drifting into sleep, until shortly after woken by a Gale screaming his lungs off down below. He says the Capitol has captured my mother, sister, and Peeta’s family and has them as hostage, sentencing them to death within a matter of days. 

I hastily climbed down the never ending tree and ran we ran as if we were a pack of lions catching their prey, not stopping until we’ve caught it. I don't know what my plan is, but I have to do something, so my only choice was to find Peeta and Haymitch. All four of us decided to drive to the Capitol in Haymitch’s avocado green car that smells like the strongest alcoholic drink known to man-kind.

Once we reach the Capitol, Haymitch finds a way to get around the guards surrounding the entire building, acting like they’re protecting the most valuable person or object that will ever exist. Just as we’re entering the building, we’re spotted. They take us up to the prison cells which looks and smells like the inside of a sewer.  About an hour after being locked in cells, I hear my name being called by a voice that I recognize; my mother. I feel like the happiest person in the world, like I actually have the hope to stay alive. In the middle of stating her plan to escape, a gunshot goes off and I see her eyes grow wider and drop to the floor on her knees, with a bullet through her back and a Capitol guard standing directly behind her with the gun.

In conclusion, this scene is similar to my prediction because the entire capitol is very upset with Katniss and Peeta, and will do anything to make sure their place of control and power in everyone’s mind stands at the top. Also, my ending is a hook because in the first book of “The Hunger Games” trilogy, Suzanne Collins left it as a hook. Overall, I vastly predict that President Snow will get back at the two winners from District 12.