Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Proud to be an American

Authors Note: This essay is about the reasons why I am proud of my country and proud to be a citizen of the United States of America.

As the song “God Bless the U.S.A” goes, are you proud to be an American? Some would say they are and others not, but I would agree with those who are proud of their country and proud to be called an American. Overlooking what this country has all gone through, I can truthfully say that I am proud of my country and am glad to be a citizen of America.

To start, you wouldn’t think that people you don’t know or haven’t even seen before would care about your safety; but they do. Thousands maybe even millions of men and women sign up to fight for this country in the war. They risk their lives every day for the citizens who live in this country. Men, even teenage boys are forced to fight in the war because they don’t have a choice.

Next, in other countries such as Russia and some of Germany, Jewish people are killed just for their religion being Jewish. Here in America, you are free to be whatever religion you desire or speak what you have the need to say because it is a free country. Furthermore, some people dress according to their culture such as Indian people. Most people who aren’t Indian wouldn’t think to wear something like what they wear on a regular day because it looks different than the fashion designer clothes that people wear all over the world. Jewish people were told to wear a star on their clothes which meant they were Jewish, and if a Russian or a Nazi from Germany saw, they would put them in jail, much less kill them because they were against their culture. Here in America, people don’t judge each other because once again, everyone is free to have their own beliefs and culture.

Lastly, the citizens in America have more rights than the people in countries ruled by kings and queens do. We host an election every 2 or 4 years, debating who should “rule” or be the president of this country. The runners speak about what they would attempt to change to make our country better. As the citizens, we elect the one who we think will keep our country strong. This is an example of our freedom of speech we have in the U.S. In countries such as England, the slot of being King has been handed down to one of the sons for thousands of years.

From all that this country has been through, and what we have as a result today, we’re very lucky to be living in the U.S.A. To the ones who perished to save our citizens, the ones who are free to wear what they choose and speak what they wish to speak, and finally to everyone who is fortunate to be in this country, all should be thankful and stand confidently and proudly to their country. Most importantly, be proud to be an American.

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