Friday, March 9, 2012

Character Description Rue

Authors Note: In this following piece, I will discuss the physical features and events that included one of the tributes for the Hunger Games named Rue, from the book "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.

Within the book "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins, Rue is one of the tributes picked from District 11. Other than the fact she has dark brown skin and eyes, she's very much like Katniss's little sister Prim. Also like Prim, Rue is twelve years old. She has a little body and is small in height as if she were an eight year old girl.

Shortly after Rue's name was called as tribute for District 11, volunteers were asked to take her place, but all that was heard was the wind winding throughout the air. Being the youngest tribute in the games, Rue was given a high score from the Gamemakers. As she showed off her abilities to the Gamemakers while training, she must have had impressive skills to her high score of an eight out of ten. Unfortunately, Rue is one of the last eight to die, although instead of being taken away covered in blood and with a spear through her, Katniss gathered flowers and spread them around and on her, signifying the loving sisterly relationship they had.


  1. I could really imagine the scene where Rue was call. Good Job!

  2. When I read through this I didn't notice much figurative language. I recommend so add a little spice to your writing by adding some more sight.. What she walks by does she look happy? Does she seem like a person you would want to talk to? When you look into her eyes do you see despair?

  3. It's really good! But I suggest some more figurative language

  4. I think that this is a good character description!!! and yes figurative language would help
