Monday, November 15, 2010


Everyone thinks of patriotism in different ways. Most people think of it as love and dedication to one's country. But then again, some don't even believe there is such a thing as patriotism. A good amout of citizens in a country show patriotism by waving their country's flag, thinking of memorable days the country has had, and singing songs that worship and thank their country.

It is very respectful to a country when a person waves their nation's flag. In the United States, you would usually see people in parades on the Forth of July waving their falg. That is showing that the people care for thier country and they are patriots. People who are mad that there is war, or don't agree with government and leadership will burn their flag. The ones who love their country will not let their flag touch the ground becasue that is very disrepectful to the country.

If you ask someone for their country's most memorable day of the year, it will most likely be for them to say thier independence day. In the United States, 9/11 was one of the saddest and unforgotten days of the year. The two most famous structures in the U.S got torn down by other country's citizens. A lot of people cry, visit graves, and pray on that day every year. Also, this day is known as the "Patriot Day". Patriots alwasy worship the sad and happy days that came to their country.

As long as there are patriots, there will be patriotism. Everyone should know that there is someone looking out for them and keeping them safe, but also patriots should know that there are people relying and caring for them too. Even though some people don't fight in wars like true patriots, it doesn't mean that they aren't patriots at all. Flying your flag, respecting unforgettable days, and singing your nations songs, is showing that you are a patriot.

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