Monday, November 15, 2010


When people read quotes, they never really think about what it truly means. They will read and say "oh that's really good", but they don't stop and think about the meaning, and what the message is beneath the words. While I was reading a quote that said "Dream as if you'll live forever and live as if you'll die today", I was thinking about what the message and meaning was and how powerful little amounts of words are.

The first part of the quote was "dream as if you'll live forever". Dreams can be anything. They can be realistic, they can be fantasy, or they can be dreams that are too good to be true. What this part of the quote is trying to say is that you should keep dreaming on everything that is possible for you to accomplish. Dream until your life ends and don't stop until it does.

Beneath the second part is the strongest piece of the quote. When you live as if you'll die today, it means that you will do anything as if this very day was your last. Usually people would take the craziest risks and do the most extreme things because they knew if they got killed, it wouldn't matter because they would die soon anyways. But if today was my last, I'd want to be with the most special people in my life and not worry about dieing in almost no time. All I'd want to do is make every moment count until it's over.